Monday, April 21, 2003

2nd Best Thing After RG

April is my star/soul sister. I don't remember where I've heard that term, probably some European movie. A star sister is when another person (that's not related) is almost the same as you. When that person has an almost exact genetic personality make-up as you i.e. you don't have to look alike but you think the same.

I've spent Saturday evening at April's house and we had a conversation that before I didn't dream of having with anyone except with Nadine. I love having deep and meaningful conversations with people because you find out so much about them that you never knew for sure before. Although I want to tell you what she said but I won't. It's not my place. I just know that I'm not the only one that feels the way I do about different issues and that's nice to know.

I was feeling pretty bad about not having RG so I thought that being with a close friend would take my mind off it because I thought we would talk about really unimportant stuff because I wasn't in the mood for any intense discussions. But it's weird that when we were talking, we gradually started chatting about things that really mattered and I didn't mind. I was very interested in what April had to say.

I felt so grown-up talking about adult stuff while drinking tea. I could imagine us being 90 years old and still talking like that and drinking tea because isn't what old ladies do? Also, since her parents weren't there, it felt like I was visiting April at her own flat. Whereas before we used to talk about the past a lot, yesterday we talked about the future. Where we would be, what it'd be like etc.

I'm so lucky to have friends like that. I don't know what I would do without them.

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