Monday, April 21, 2003

Online Privacy

I can't believe that this blog is on Yahoo! Search and Google and other searches. I thought you had to submit the site for people being able to search for it there. I don't know if I'm too happy about that. I mean, it's nice for more people being able to find and read it but there's more of a chance of someone that I know reading it. I blocked the IP addresses of people that I don't want seeing it but I don't know if that will work because when I put April's IP address into a search engine, it came up as someone else'e name, not hers. What does that mean?

There are also some people that I don't want reading this who's IP addresses I don't know so I can be pretty paranoid about that. Another HUGE problem is that my Dad noticed me reading my own blog. I don't know if he realised that it was mine but he did comment on the title. And I can't block his IP address because it's the same as mine. I hope he forgot about it and dismissed it as just another webpage that I was looking through. I mean, if he wanted, he could find the address, just typing in the title into a search engine. I would be so extremely embarrassed.

When I started this blog, I knew there was a possibility of someone I know reading this and recognising me but the possibility of that was too small to outweigh the benefits of me having the blog. But now, I don't know. I really like writing here for people that I don't know to read but this is not something I want my family or friends knowing about.