Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Wasting Time

I have heaps of work to do but I have to go to work in a couple of hours so I don't have time to do much now. And this is a great time waster. I don't really have too much to write about so I'll just ramble on about random things.

Remember when on March 18, I wrote about Jack forgetting something and me refusing to let him borrow mine? Well, yesterday I forgot the exact same thing. I realised this on the train and spent the rest of my train journey planning how to ask someone else to borrow theirs without Jack hearing it. I also then imagined how horrible it'd be if the person I was planning on asking wouldn't let me borrow theirs. Karma probably comes to mind. But if Jack asked me again, I still wouldn't let him borrow mine. It all turned out well for me because Bill lent me his without hesitation. And Jack didn't even come to class. How lucky for me.

When I met Amelia (as I usually do now), I was made to realise again what an extremely nice person she is. She was rewriting her lecture notes so her friends (that weren't there) would be able to understand them. And let me tell you, her original notes were pretty clear to me. I would never do that. I just wouldn't be bothered. But then again, I'm lazy. When people (like her) do such nice things, it really motivates me to be really nice to that person.

I also saw Amelia's stalker. I've never even talked to him and he already gives me the creeps. Now I really understand why even the thought of him made Amelia queasy.

At the tutorial (the one with Fabian), there was this smart-arse guy who kept talking back to the tutor. It's good that the tutor is pretty strong and has a sense of humour. At least it made the tutorial more entertaining. Fabian was trying to join in (because he was obviously 'a bit' jealous of the attention) but it wasn't working too well. That was kinda funny.

He doesn't bother me anymore, thankfully, so now I can just laugh at him. Whereas before when he did annoy me, I just got really irritated and couldn't find anything about him to laugh about.

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