Monday, April 07, 2003

Not Fat And Not 50

Guess what, everyone?! I've got gallstones. Isn't that just wonderful. Especially that I'm about 20 years too young for it and don't fit any other causes (being overweight, had children early, have been using birth control pills for a long time or have fluctuating weight).

The doctor said that the gall bladder doesn't really have a function but that's not what the internet says. The gall bladder processes fat. I don't call that a 'useless' function.

At first the thing that worried me most about the operation (that I'm supposed to have) is having a huge scar but now with improved technology, the doctors don't even cut you up. But now the thing that worries me (apart from getting even worse pains that one person on the net said that they've got) is not being able to lose weight even if I'll eat healthy.

So I'll have to have a healthy diet and become fat anyway. How depressing is that!

If anyone else had this condition, I'd love to hear from you. Also, does anyone know any chat rooms that talk about this condition? I tried to look for some but to no avail.

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