Monday, April 14, 2003

I Miss...

I miss being a kid. I haven't thought about it for a while but after I watched "Lizzie McGuire" today, I felt a bit nostalgic.

I miss being able to really enjoy TV shows with kids in them, no matter how bad they are. Also, I don't watch as many cartoons as I'd like to. I also miss being able to walk into Toys'R'Us and plan what to ask for Christmas/birthday and know that I'll enjoy it for more than 5 minutes. I also miss making up and playing games in which you could be anything you want to. I miss being able to go have crushes on celebrities while knowing that you'd never even meet them. I miss feeling everything magnified because it's all new. I miss filling up with excitement when thinking about high school and then uni. I miss hoping that something really great might happen soon and knowing that the best times are yet to come. I miss the fun of childhood.

Although, like I probably mentioned before, I don't want to grow up, my life has been improving with every year but some things I'll never not miss about being a kid.

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