Thursday, April 17, 2003


I've met THE cutest guy today!!! It was so long since I've had a crush on anyone that I forgot what it felt like. I don't want to get my hopes up but it's so hard not to think about him.

Where do you think I've met him? Uni? No. Work? Yes! I knew there was only one guy who works at the shop (apart from the boss) but I didn't expect him to be anything like he is! Sure, I hoped I'd like him but I always hope that about all the guys that I meet.

I can't believe that I can't stop thinking about him. He probably has a girlfriend for all I know! The worst thing is that I won't see him for almost a month (at least!) because Thursday night is the only time where our rosters coincide. And it's only for 45 minutes.

Also, after last Thursday (that I worked) I wasn't even sure that Nate worked there anymore. I remember being really anxious to see who the guy was, thinking that to my bad luck he'll probably be too old, too young or just too wrong for me. Today was a very nice surprise! Although these sort of good things are bad in a way that they make me really excited at first and then follow with disappointment. The worst, of course, is the waiting time when nothing happens although a lot happens in my head.

I should know that crushes are bad bad bad but I need to be reminded all the time because I forget that really easily.

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