Monday, July 07, 2003

After The Operation

Well, I'm back without my gallbladder and gallstones. Good riddance. I could go into the details of my hospital stay but that would be boring for you to read and for me to write.

It turned out that it's not that rare for people my age to have this problem because there was a girl who's also 19 who had the exact same thing. She stayed in the same room as me. That was kinda good because I had someone to complain about the whole thing with, who completely understood. And it was good to have someone to just talk with after I started to get bored lying in bed for a whole day.

The only major difference between her and me was that she has a 5 months old child. I can't even imagine having a child at 19. The child's father is also her boyfriend who she lives with which is really good. When he came to visit her, I couldn't believe how young he looked. Both of them also sounded like such teenagers (which they are). Kids having kids is just too weird.

Although, if I got married now to a guy who already had a job, I'd llike to have a kid maybe in a year or 2. Yes, I'm weird too. But I'd only have one if we were in a financially stable situation. The reason I don't think it's not a bad idea having kids in early 20s is because it's great for a child to have young parents. My Mum had me when she was 22 and I absolutely love the fact that she's younger than all the other parents of people my age. And she didn't sacrifice her career or anything else to have me and my brother (who she had 2 and a half years later). So if she could do it, why can't everyone else?

While I was in hospital, I was wondering about what kind of person you have to be to want to be a nurse. The nurses were absolutely amazing considering they had to clean up after everyone and help people do basic things like adjusting beds and helping them walk to the toilet. And their horrible shifts. The young guy that looked after the room that I was in had to be there all evening, night and the following morning, and then come back the same evening to do all the tedious things again. And he was still cheerful! And unlike the other nurses who only came if you buzzed them, he came all the time to ask how we were and he stayed and talked as well. That minimized the boredom of staying there so much and it made the stay so much more comfortable because let's face it, who wants to stay in hospital?

Well, I'm glad to be home (where everyone is fussing too much over me) although my stomach is still quite sore. I decided to use this time to start getting my portfolio together so I can look for a proper graphic/web design job. All morning I've been teaching myself how to use Illustrator because lots of jobs need that skill. I can only use Photoshop properly but it's a bit different. Lots of jobs also need the skills of Quark (Xpress) but I can't find anyone who has the program. Well, at least I'm doing something useful with my time.

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