Friday, July 25, 2003

In A Bad Mood: Flow of Thoughts

I'm in a bad mood now. I'm not even sure why exactly. I think it's just lots of little things piling up.

The good thing about being in a bad mood is that soon it should improve.

I'm just annoyed mainly about jobs. I want to get a good retail job but that's not happening very fast and meanwhile I need money. I can get more tutoring jobs (which I was just offered today) but the thing with tutoring jobs is that if I get one, I can't just quit whenever I'll get a better job.

It'd be good to first get a retail job (since that will take up most of my free time) and then fit the tutoring jobs round that (which is what I did last semester). The retail jobs that I applied for are Coles Myer ones and they take ages to get a reply from. If I get any of them, I don't want to do tutoring. It's a lot more work than the hour where I tutor the kid. I have to be prepared for the lesson and that takes time (for which I don't get paid). I'm lucky the mother of the girl that I'm tutoring now is paying me more than the agency said I'm entitled to. She said that she understands that it's hard work and I deserve it. She's heaps nice, although she doesn't care about her child's work as much as the mother of the kids that I tutored last year. Well, I'm not complaining about her.

Also with my new timetable, getting retail work will be quite difficult. I have no days off and every days is only a couple of hours in the middle of the day which sucks. I could probably combine all the hours into 3 days. Claudia is going to be in 2 of my lectures again. That's going to make them a bit more bearable.

I hope I'll get to meet some new people. I need some proper uni friends. Usually uni students mainly hang out with uni friends, unlike me who's glued to my high school friends (although some of them go to my uni so I guess I could call them uni friends too). For some reason I just can't find people at uni to whom I could really relate to. My high school friends make it really hard for anyone to measure up. Sure the people that I hang out with at uni are pretty cool but they are not the most interesting people. They are too normal.

Well, there's always hope since I met Amelia, Claudia and Christine in year 8 and we didn't become really good friends straight away and I met April in year 9. I became really good friends with her straight away. It felt like I knew her for ages since the day I met her. So I might meet someone really interesting next year or I might become better friends with people that I already know. My course is too short to make good friends. I'm one of those people who takes ages to make friends with people but once I do, I'm usually really close friends with them for a long time. If I'm picky with choosing friends, no wonder I'm so picky about finding RG.

Max is leaving. Do I care? Not sure. He's coming back in a few months but I'm just tired of stretching this net thing for so long. I just want to have a couple of proper conversations with him on the phone and then meet him and get it over and done with. I'm not a very patient person. I don't want to hang on to something that is pointless.