Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Books On Trains. Paying Attention. Guy Friends.

I took my (well, the library's, if you want to be really specific) "Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason" on the train because I didn't think it was one of those embarrassing books that someone next to you can read and give you looks. (Or maybe I'm just paranoid that people would look at what I'm reading. Yeah, that's probably it). Anyway, it turned out that I was up to the bit where she's choosing condoms and every second word is condom/sex and lots of capitals and exclamation marks so if someone would look at what I was reading, those would be the first words to catch their attention. One voice in my head (yes, I have quite a few) was saying, "Who bloody cares!!!" but the more dominant one wouldn't let me pay any attention to the book but made me glance around, making sure no one was looking at what I was reading (since the train was quite full). Of course no one was paying attention because they were reading their own books/newspapers/magazines, except some guy across the aisle from me. But then again, he could've just been looking at the window to see what station we were at. I know the whole thing is pathetic. I just ended up putting the book back in my bag and staring into space.

I paid attention in my lecture today without being too distracted by pointless thoughts that come to my head. (Exchanging stupid comments about the lecture with Lauren doesn't count).

Silvia (a girl from school who has a personality of Holden from "Catcher In The Rye") was with Claudia so had to stop and talk to her for a while, while my uni friends have gone. So I ended up walking to the station by myself.

Jason (the quiet genius) was the only guy (from our group) at today's and yesterday's lecture so he's always with us now. I'm trying to become friends with him 'cause I'd like some guy friends and since he's quiet, it's relatively easy to talk to him (in the sense that he's not going to argue with anything I say). I know he has heaps of guy friends (whom I might like) so I need him to feel comfortable with me so he could invite me out with his friends. Deep down, I know it's never going to happen because he's too shy and I talk too much when I'm around quiet people so they might feel a bit intimidated, just like I feel when I'm around really loud people. Oh well, being friendly can't hurt.

E-mail From Emma

Just got an email from Emma telling about application forms for next year's ODV. I don't really feel like going. It was a lot of fun but I can't be bothered. I only did it to meet lots of people, which I did but I don't keep in contact with any of them so meeting them all in the first place was quite uselss.

Wonder But Not Care

I wonder if Nadine is back... Did I say that she went overseas without telling me? I think I did. Well, I wonder what she's up to but I don't care. It's amazing really how much we've grown apart. We know almost nothing about each other's lives anymore when before we knew every single detail. I wonder if we'll ever be close friends again.

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