Monday, July 28, 2003

Mellow Monday

Uni has started again. After I got over the injustice of having a lecture at 9am, I was quite excited to see everyone again. I think I underestimated the people at uni. They are not as boring as I previously thought.

At the lecture, a guy sat next to me that had a face of a 15 year old. That completely distracted me and I started thinking that if he had the perfect personality, would I still want to go out with him. (I know it's not a possibility but it's still fun to think these things.) Then I thought that if a guy had the perfect looks and a really bad personality, then I know that there's no way that I'd go out with him but why is it that the other way around, it causes more confusion?

A guy behind me kept sniffing. I couldn't decide if I should've given him a tissue because not only was it annoying to me, but it must've not been very comfortable for him either. Wondered how I would feel if the situation was reversed and decided against it because I didn't want to embarrass him.

After the lecture, Claudia had an hour before her next lecture and I was finished for the day so kept her company. Passing on Amelia's kindness from last semester. Speaking of which, her grandmother died. It's horrible. I never had to deal with these sorts of situations before. I don't know if she wants to be left alone or be distracted. I don't want to ask her 'cause she usually doesn't like to talk about emotional kind of stuff. And neither do I which makes the whole situation quite awkward. I'll probably try to see her this week. I don't know if I should ignore the whole subject and pretend like everything's the same or if I should mention it. I don't think I'll be very good at this kind of thing. Well, I just want to see her and make sure she's all right (which is unlikely). Well, she's a strong person so she will be all right eventually.

I went to the libaray after uni. Not the local one that I usually go to but the next near one. I really wanted to get the Adrian Mole series because it was the only library that had all of them, but when I got there, most of them were taken out! How annoying, especially that they were all there just last week. Well, at least I found 2 books that I wanted to read for a while now so I was happy.

One of the workers there was such a bitch. She kept yelling at an old man because he didn't return his books on time, as if he was some school child. Then she kept talking to me as if I was 5: "Sweetie, you have to go here and do this. This is how you stamp your books, dear, on your way out. Yes, just under here. Now give me that, I'll do it for you. Thank you sweetie. Buh-bye!" What the hell?!!

There was a cute guy there who made up for the woman's rudeness, though. I wonder what kind of person would work in a library... I love books but I never would as a full-time job.

I was supposed to meet April afterwards but she had to stay back at uni so came home and started on my online course.

Soon I'll have to go and tutor. I'm so tired of it. Don't feel like it at all, but I can't be lazy 'cause I need the money.