Sunday, November 06, 2005

How To Get High

I'm on such a high right now. I should go to sleep but I just have a buzz inside me that won't go away. Just wish David was here with me. I've never felt in such a daze. I've been downloading love songs which is just so cheesy but words are not enough to describe how I feel. Only music can evoke such emotion. Any logical side of my brain is thinking that I must be exaggerating this. I could not be feeling so strongly. Yet...

Being the Queen of "Getting Carried Away", I couldn't help but quickly check different properties. Not that I'm planning on moving out soon, but just out of curiosity, you know? (If you don't, that's ok. I'm not even sure I do.) Also found my interest peak when I saw some furniture store catalogues. Thought, "This bed would look nice. And so would this couch."

Definitely waaaaaay ahead of myself.

Was watching Australian Idol and kept thinking how nice it would be if David was in the next room. Or even better, watching with me. Although if he was, I probably wouldn't pay attention to the TV 'cause I'd just want to talk to him. How nice it would be... so many things...

Anyway, time to go to sleep. I'll regret not going sooner when I have to wake up at the crack of dawn. (Ok, so I'm exaggerating this bit just a little.)

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