Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Sick Leave

I cannot believe it's only been two weeks of my new job and I've already taken three out of five sick leave days. Woke up feeling worse than yesterday so thought there's no point going in if they sent me home when I was feeling better.

When I called to tell them, Renee asked, "Do you think you'll be coming in tomorrow?" It's so not fair how she can start making me feel guilty when she's the one who made me go home when I was capable of being at work. I know I could've lasted yesterday at work if I wasn't made to talk.

Went to the doctor's again (gosh, I'm becoming such an April) and she told me that if it's not tonsilitis, then it's glandular fever in which case nothing can be done anyway. Such great news to hear.

Had a blood test done. Every time the nurse is about to stick the needle in my arm, I get a little anxious that it's really going to hurt but when it's in my vein, I always find myself thinking, "That's it?"

I just want to get back to work and be able to do all that I need, which includes talking a lot.

David finishes his exams today so I want to be healthy to enjoy all the extra time we'll have together. Will now get to see him more than just on the weekends, like it's been for the last couple of weeks.

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