Sunday, November 06, 2005

In Love With Life

I have never been so satisfied with my life as I am now. The future never looked brighter. I'm even not so inspired to write in my blog. I just feel like like I want to write something, but just don't know what.

It was so good to see David last night. I went to his house at 8pm and it still wasn't dark, so it felt heaps earlier. No one was at his house so I expected my hormones to take over because I haven't seen him for a week but I just had this urge to tell him about every detail that happened at work so we (mainly I) talked non-stop. I was getting quite carried away with my stories and rather than just smiling and nodding politely, he was actually interested. It was so good to vent to him, rather than here (since I can't blog too much about work). It makes me feel so good to know he cares about what's happening in my life since he's always enthusiastic about finding out what's been going on.

He asked if I could come to his family Christmas party. I said, "But isn't it just going to be all your family?" and he said, "Yeah, but I feel like you're part of the family now". It was weird 'cause my parents consider him almost like family too.

After we picked up his sister from work, she showed me her formal dresses. I didn't like either of them but said that she looked really pretty in them. Even though his sister is very sweet, she can be a real handful so I don't want to get on her bad side.

Since we're going to miss out on my work's Christmas party, at least we get to go to his work's one. It'd be cool to go to a work function as someone's partner. Then we'll be spending New Year's Eve together. I was like, "Finally I'll get a kiss when the clock strikes midnight" and he said, "Definitely! But you don't have to wait till then". Then there's Valentine's Day. And there I am getting ahead of myself again. So many things to look forward to.

We also managed to somehow start talking about where we would like to live and the longevity of relationships. I said that in my opinion for a relationship to work, the two people had to have the same goals in life, otherwise the two people would drift apart (since they'd be going after different things). David asked, "So what are your goals in life?" The fact that he even asked me that filled me with so much joy. I absolutely love when he asks questions about what I want and what I think. After I told him and asked him, his goals were almost identical to mine. We both wanted a family, to develop our careers and travel.

It's odd to reflect that we haven't even been going out for 6 months and I've never felt closer to anyone else. Even April, which is so hard to believe because of how closely we were connected mentally and emotionally. Even with our differences (which we openly aknowledge), we're always on the same wavelength. And the more time we spend together, the closer we get and the more I feel like I can accept all the things I never agreed with before.

And now that I have a job I love, I feel like I have everything I've ever wanted. Even more.

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