Wednesday, November 02, 2005

You Never Know

We have two uni girls at work who help out a couple of days a week. Pretty much as soon as I met one of them, she said, "So how did you manage to get this job? We had so many people wanting it!"

Well, don't I feel special now!

I told her I called them up and she said, "So you were very persistent?" Don't know if one call can be counted as persistent. I don't even know myself how I managed to get it. I've been doing the same thing in my other unsuccessful interviews. I guess other people didn't think I'd fit into their workplaces. Who knows.

I'm just soooooooooooooo glad I got this job because I absolutely love it.

Today was busy and I had a deadline but unlike my first job, this deadline was achievable. Just needed to work fast and prioritise. I finished with a couple of minutes to spare and the manager loved what I did. I know managers usually always say how much they like things in the beginning to keep you motivated and it doesn't last but it still felt good to hear.

Although I wasn't too excited about starting at 8:30am when they first told me, now I see the advantages (especially since my train manages to get me there at 8:20am). I already get heaps of work done by 9:00am so the day doesn't feel too stressful.

Can't wait till David finishes his exams and we can spend more time together. In a month we'll be going on our little trip which I'm very excited about. When I told Renee (the office manager) that I'll need two days off, one of the first things she said was, "But you'll miss out on our Christmas party!" Yeah, it's a little disappointing but never mind. I'll be having plenty of fun with David.

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