Tuesday, November 15, 2005


I think today was a new record. I went to work for the whole of 10 minutes! Pretty much as soon as I came in, Renee told me to go home. I said that even though I wasn't able to really speak, I could still do other work but she said that it wasn't a good idea to infect other people and they they managed fine yesterday without me.

How could they manage fine?! What about my job? I need to do it. I can't be seen as unimportant. Maybe it's just that they're not so busy at the moment. Of course they need me.

Well, at least they know I really am sick and not just taking days off. It would've looked bad if I didn't show up for two days in a row. Much better to come looking really bad and being told to go home.

I promised to call David yesterday but just as I was writing him a message to say it hurt too much to talk, he rang me. Pretty much from my "Hey..." he knew something was wrong. It really didn't help that on the weekend I kept going on about my chemical balance (or I should say 'imbalance') results. He now thinks that I'm the type of person to always get sick. I think it's karma because of all the times I got annoyed at April's constant sickness. I'm starting to feel more understanding. It's really nothing anyone can do about. You can't help getting sick.

He now thinks I'm weak which is so not what I want him to think (even if there might be some truth to it).

David asked if I wanted to go to a see a band I never liked. I said no. He then said that his sister isn't allowed to go unless he comes and he isn't going if I'm not. So his sister isn't going to be too happy with me. I told him that wasn't fair to put all the pressure on me because I'd never do that to him. He said, "I'm not you so I would". And he was only half joking. He knows I don't succumb to such pressure because it's not like it's $20. I'm not spending 70 bucks on a band I don't even like. I think if he really wanted me to come, he and his sister could pay for my ticket. It's only fair.

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