Monday, November 28, 2005

The Lovely Little Things

You know that question about whether you see the small or the big picture? Well, that always confused me. Why did everyone only had to pick one? Were they mutually exclusive? I always felt like I could see both. I paid attention to the details and yet knew when they were not important.

The more I thought about it, the more I leaned to being the 'big picture' person. Being single can do that to you. You start seeing that most things aren't really important in the long-term. It really isn't important if you miss your bus and come late to class. It really isn't that important if you fail one exam. Time always manages to fix those problems and they become things of the past.

So yesterday something small happened that made me so giddy with happiness. I was having dinner with David's family and step-sister. He was sitting opposite me. His parents and step-sister were involved in a busy conversation. They were talking excitedly while David and I were quiet. Then we looked at each other and just had a moment. It sounds kinda pointless writing it here but it's hard to describe that feeling of complete connection like at that moment we were thinking the exact same thing, and we both knew it without saying a word. I will refrain myself from mushy descriptions of his dreamy eyes and smile.

That little incident (and I'm not being melodramatic about it) made me think that little things are important too because it's the little seemingly insignificant things that make up the big important picture.

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