Sunday, November 20, 2005

Together Forever

Had such a beautiful weekend that I'm not looking forward to dealing with people at work tomorrow in the slightest.

Spent so much time with David in the last few days and I already miss him. All I want is to be able to see him every day. He always manages to ease my mind. Work problems were forgotten for the last few days thanks to him.

Went to the doctor yesterday to get my blood test results and they said I have glandular fever, which is really great of course. My body has become so weak, it's ridiculous. But it's ok, I'm feeling much better today. David was so sweet, he kept worrying about me and made me take a jacket with me today (which is such a Mum thing to do but it made me happy because it showed that he cared). And yesterday he wouldn't go for a walk with me at night because it was so windy and he didn't want me to get worse.

He came over last night and we watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban because I didn't get to see it when it was in the cinemas. I always have trouble concentrating on watching films when David is right next to me. Fortunately, I managed to pay enough attention to enjoy it. The film looked great but it was still not as good as the book. Plus, it didn't help knowing what was going to happen. It was like looking at the pictures after reading the book.

Afterwards caught a bit of Now and Then. I used to love that movie when I was young so it was kinda odd watching it with David who actually didn't mind it as much as I thought he would. It made me remember my years with Nadine when we were really close and we'd imagine what our lives would be like and when we made the typical kid pacts that we'd stay friends forever. All our sleepovers when we'd talk all through the night. I said to David, "It's like we're having a sleepover". I have to say that I enjoyed being with him more than I enjoyed being with anyone else. No one ever made me feel the way he does.

He stayed over and today we went into the city to a street festival. We walked around the stalls, had more food than we should've and talked about many things. I was telling him how now that I had a full-time job, I was starting to think about moving out and being an independent adult. He said it was best to wait now and save up some money and move out when he could too. He started talking about buying property together. I said, "That would be a pretty serious step" and he said, "Well, we're pretty serious". I said, "We are?" and he replied, "Not many couples talk make plans for the future like we do." I don't know about other couples but I know that we discuss the future a lot. Sometimes we talk like it's inevitable that we'll be together forever and it's just a matter of time. The weird thing is that it doesn't even scare me, but gives me a sense of security. Like, I don't have to worry about the future because David will be in it with me. Right now I would like nothing more than to see him every day after I come home.

We still have disagreements but somehow they end up being swept under everything else. Not sure if that's a good idea. When we were watching "Now and Then" and one character gets her first kiss, he jokingly asked me, "So how was your first kiss?" That made me so uncomfortable because he knows my one was with him. I know he didn't mean anything by his question but I felt really pathetic. Made me wonder what it'd be like to go out with other guys. Not for long though 'cause I'd never forgive myself for leaving David just to see what others guys were like. (Like I'd meet anyone I like, anyway!) I don't know what it is but he has something extra that really pulls me towards him. I just always want to be around him.

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