Tuesday, February 04, 2003

I'm addicted to "Once and Again". I can watch it 24/7. Seriously. It's so real and honest, without being too sentimental and the acting (especially the kids) is EXCELLENT!!! I missed the first several episodes so I might have to find some recaps and catch up.

Speaking of TV shows, you know what happened yesterday?!!! It makes me mad just thinking about it. (Well, not anymore 'cause I got over it but I'm just trying to create the mood that I was in the morning.) Yesterday, I decided to tape Ally McBeal because it was late and in the morning when I was going to watch it, there's only the last 15 minutes on it! I'm pretty sure I put in the right times. The network must have put the show an hour early. It's good that I made the VCR record it 15 minutes early (just in case). I could've completely missed the 2nd last episode of the season!!! It's, like, one show that I watch regularly. The network has no considerations for their viewers. Thank God for all those people that write recaps. They must have so much patience (and time) to rewrite whole episodes. The network better not screw around with today's episode since it's the finale and everything. I think I accidentally read the last line of the whole show when I was looking for recaps. I hate being so far behind with all the American shows. Those websites should at least warn people (who live outside America) that they have spoilers. Sometimes I want to live in America so I'm not behind with all the TV shows, but then I would be addicted to TV since they have so many channels there.

I can't wait till April and I will have our show on TV and America will be behind! Hahaha! But I think the only way of getting our show on TV is if it's produced in America. Not a lot of people like Australian shows. And I don't blame them. They're all either about the outback or the beach/BBQ/beer culture. The only ones I don't mind is Rove ('cause he's hilarious and intelligent) and Neighbours because it's just about people and not the Australian setting. And the characters are interesting and smart, unlike for example "Home And Away" which is probably how the rest of the world views Australia.

I called Christine yesterday about the weekend. I don't know why but every time I have to call someone, I get a bit nervous. Even if it's just my friends. I don't know why I get like that. Yesterday I got so nervous that I wasn't even going to call her and was just going to forget about the whole thing but then I thought that if I'd call her, I might have something to write about in here. I'm pathetic. It turns out that she thought we were going to go to the city to watch dragon racing. At first I thought it was some movie. I was, like, when did we plan that? And she said ages ago. I said maybe I wasn't there and she said I definitely was. After I figured out that the dragon racing was part of the Chinese New Year Festival, I remembered her mentioning it. At least I wasn't the only one that forgot. When I was talking to April about going out this Saturday, she didn't say anything. So it turns out, she was going to call me anyway. When I asked her about clubbing, she started listing all the places we can go. Not that I remember any but when we'll go, she'll show the way. I'm glad I'm capable of being friends with someone like Christine. My other friends know about as much as me about the 'nightlife', which is almost nothing. Nadine goes out a lot but she goes to places that I don't partucalarly like. And I don't feel like going out just with Nadine but I don't want to mix her with my other friends. I did that mistake once. She made everyone go crazy. That's her unique talent.

Sandra (from uni) messaged me about going out this Sunday. I agreed since I haven't been out with people from uni the entire summer break. I don't particularly like Sandra after we had to do an assignment together and she made it look as if she's done all the work just because it took her to do her half twice (if not more) as long. I like to finish things early and she thinks that only finishing at the last minute qualifies for hard work. Also, her parents are very well off so she doesn't understand how other people need jobs. It's not that my parents are poor but I feel guilty accepting money from them for going out. Other people don't seem to have such a big problem with their conscience. Even when I was little, I always felt guilty accepting presents for no reason (like my grandma used to give me). I was a strange kid. Instead of whinging for my parents/grandparents to buy me stuff, I declined even when they offered because I didn't want to waste their money on things that I knew I wouldn't need in the long run. Every time people do really nice things for me I feel such gratitude that it turns into guilt. I'm weird, I know. Does anyone else feel the same way?

Well, I just got an episode from April so I will go and add to it. I'm still a bit confused though with where exactly we're going with it.

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