Friday, February 07, 2003

More Ramblings From A TV Show Addict

Stupid stupid VCR. It can never tape anything properly. I think it really hates me lately, not like our very old one that always taped what I wanted. I wanted to tape "Joe Millionaire" yesterday, since I was talking to Nadine on the phone at the time and today in the morning, when I get all excited to watch another tacky reality TV show, it turns out that only the first 22 minutes got recorded! What the hell is wrong with the stupid machine!

The guy actually looks really hot. His deep voice is a bit scary but I can look past that. I can tell that the editors are a bit stupid because of the way they only showed the women talking about how much they love the money aspect. I don't like when the producers/writers/editors assume that their audience is really stupid and will only follow their side of the story.

April sent me our episodes almost every day of the week. She doesn't have much of life, like me. Although I really shouldn't say that because writing the show is very enjoyable and I'd rather write it than do a lot of other things. No one knows about it (well apart from anyone who reads this but that doesn't count since you don't really know who we are) because I don't want to tell people that we're writing this great show if it's never going to get on TV. I'd much rather get the show on TV and then see everyone's reactions.

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