Monday, February 17, 2003

More About Me

I'm getting really addicted to writing in here. Since I have nothing interesting to write about, I'll fill in one of those forward surveys that I get a lot of in the mail. I can never be bothered to do them no matter how threatening they are (e.g. if you don't send this to at least a 1000 people in the next minute, you will have bad luck for the rest of your life). I found the following in an another blog, though.

This or that...
Nice smiles or nice eyes? the smile is in the eyes
Jeans or skirts? jeans
Boots or sneakers? nice boots make me look nicer
Natural or make-up? natural, make-up clogs up my pores
Restaurants or fast food? depends on the food
Italian food or Chinese? Italian... yum!
Dark or light eyes? dark (in a guy)
Streaked or dyed hair? streaked
Vampires or Gods? Vampires since Gods don't exist.
Shakespeare or Greek mythology? Greek mythology. What can I say, I like fairytales.
Drugs or cigarettes? I passionately hate both
Football or cheerleading? cheerleading of course since we don't have it in Australia
Cake or pie? how can I choose?! I love dessert! I guess anything as long as it's without cream.

Do you want to die? painlessly when I'm very old and have lived a full life
Much time do you take to dress up? 5 minutes to actually put on my clothes but longer to choose what to wear
Do you like your life? sometimes
Often do you smile? when I'm happy or shy or trying to make people think that I know something they don't
Many times a week do you eat junk food? lately I've been trying to eat healthy

Do you..
Sing? out of tune. A little while ago I was teaching myself to sing. I actually improved but since I haven't practised in a while, my voice has gone back to the way it was.
Dance? whenever I can. I love it!
Laugh a lot? Sometimes too much.
Like spicy food? Not too spicy
Prefer bagels over yogurt? good idea! Never thought about it.
Have a boyfriend? I wish!
Want one? Of course! But only a good one.
Think babies are cute? yes! I love those cute little people
Children in general? Love them, since I can be such a child and can relate to them.
Believe in fortune cookies? I believe in cookies!
Believe in life after death? yep, but not my life. (i.e. after I'll die, people and other creatures will still live)
Believe in life after love? Of course
Believe that anything is possible? Not anything.
Believe that everyone has a purpose in life? I guess
Know what yours is? Never stopped to think about it.

You a girl? what kind of question is this?!
You a comedian? I can be sometimes
Your friends true friends in your opinion? yes
You bored? No, I just love doing these sort of things. Actually I do, you know!

Do You..
Believe in love at first sight: there's no such a thing.
Get along with your parents: sometimes
Think about suicide: nope
Think about homicide: no
Drink: non-alcohholic stuff for me. Can't stand the taste of alcohol.
Smoke: NO!!! Can't stand the stuff
Have Multiple Personalities: no... yes... no... yes... no... yes... no...

Well, that was fun! If you want me to answer any question, just email me.

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