Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Telemarketing Techniques

I really don't like telemarketers. Usually they just want to talk to my parents so I just tell them that they are not there but yesterday was different.

Ring ring
me: hello?
telemarketers: Can I speak to Mr or Mrs Space?
me: they are not here. Can I take a message?
telemarketer: well, can I speak to someone who's over 18?
me: that's me
telemarketer: really?! You don't sound over 18
me: I am 18

Halfway through, before I realise exactly what he's selling, I say that I'm on my way out.
telemarketer: This won't take long

telemarketer: well, [starts reading off something along the lines of "Babies are dying of heart disease and we need your money"]

What was I supposed to say then? I had a strong urge to just hang up on him but I felt guilty because all these babies were dying because I don't want to donate. When he finished reading, I told him that we were already donating and hung up.

What if the guy was collecting money for something else and was just making people feel guilty? Stupid telemarketers.

I actually wouldn't mind working as one. All I'd have to do is read off something and wait for people to be rude to me and hang up. Sounds pretty easy. Dad told me next time to just say, "Sorry but I can't help you" because it doesn't sound too rude. I'll try it next time. Or maybe I'll just pretend to be under 18.

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