Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Rollercoaster Day

Bad things that happened:
* Had to borrow the tutor's textbook and she left without taking it back which meant that I had to take it home. After that I had to buy another 2 textbooks (one of which is the same as the one I had to borrow). This meant that I had to carry 3 very heavy textbooks around uni. And I'll have to take 2 back next week (one for the tutor and one for me).
* Got a headache from the heat of today's weather.
* Hit my head when I was trying to get out of the car because of all the bags I had to take out. It really hurt!

Good things that happened:
* Met up with Amelia (who's doing very well), Emma (who's annoyed that lots of ODVs, including me, are not doing ODV next year), Beth (who actually talked with us, instead of on her phone with her 'cool' friends) and Claudia (who I'm seriously worried about because some 40 year old guy wouldn't leave her alone yesterday and kept following her. She ended up getting off at another uni and going to the library before he left her alone and then calling Christine to drive her home. She's now scared of going anywhere near the bus stop where the guy started talking to her. Amelia's stalker doesn't even compare to this one. This guy was seriously creepy. It made me think what I'd do in that situation. I'd probably get off the train at the station where I know there is a police station and let the guy follow me there so that the cops could deal with him).
* Got through another stage in the Coles Myer Recruitment Program. Seriously, how many stages are there?!! How bad would it be if I got through every stage except the last? All the stress for nothing. Anyway, I'm not going to think about it too much. I didn't even want to write about it so not to jinx it but I remembered that I don't believe in jinxes or any other non-scientific occurrences.

I'm supposed to see the surgeon that did my gallbladder operation a month after it but I haven't gotten around to making an appointment. I know I should. It doesn't really bother me except for a few times where I feel like I have really bad indigestion (although I'm not exactly sure what indigestion feels like since I don't think I ever had it before).

I also need to call about the dancing classes. I swear, since the musical, I have been dancing around the house every time I switch the radio on (and sometimes even when I don't). I must look really stupid if anyone would see me, making every movement a dance one. I'm not sure if this is just some phase or what. Oh well, exercise never hurt anyone.

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