Thursday, July 22, 2004

Missing The Dance Class

Missing The Dance Class

The curse has been broken. After a little hitch (a few actually), I attended a dance class today. I can't believe I'm able to actually write that. There were numerous things (this time) that happened that made me almost miss it but I think my perseverance prevailed.

First thing that made me almost miss it:
I told Claudia to meet me at the wrong time accidentally (or was it...). This resolved when I realised this, I don't know how. I told her the correct time.

Second thing that made me almost miss it:
In the morning, before leaving, I decided to check the card (that had the dance class info) to make sure the times were right and everything. And I realised that the address was different to where I was planning on going. By a few letters. Thank God, I picked up on it. I don't even want to imagine going to the wrong place and finding out that the class was somewhere else.

Third thing that made me almost miss it:
When Claudia and I got there, there was a dance timetable at the entrance and it didn't have our class! I decided to ignore it and go in anyway because the card that I had said that there was a class today and that's what I wanted to believe.
When we got to the reception area, there was NO ONE there. I started to panic a little (well, a lot). Then some girl came out of nowhere and started talking to us. She said she's been to this class before and that it was definitely going to be on, even if no one else comes. We just had to wait for the teacher. The teacher came. No one else did. The girl left which I was glad because I didn't want to be compared to a professional dancer.

So Claudia and I got a private lesson. It was a bit awkward at first because we couldn't hide behind someone and if we made mistakes (which we did), it would be obvious (which it was). But the awkwardness quickly faded once I stopped caring whether I made mistakes or not and started the enjoy it.

The teacher kept getting distracted because he thought he knew me from somewhere and every now and then kept asking me if I was at (or went to) this or that place. I think I might've seen him that time when I went to the dance class that was canceled but I'm not sure.

The actual lesson was great! I absolutely loved it. Dancing always gives me such a high. (And fun exercise doesn't hurt). Claudia said she liked it but didn't want to go again any time soon. I don't really want to go alone if I'm going to be the only student. Maybe I can still find a way to get to the class that's a bit too far for me...

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