Sunday, July 04, 2004

Spying. Addiction. Diets. Amelia and Ashalea. Nadine.

Spying. Addiction. Diets. Amelia and Ashalea. Nadine.

Sometimes I get this knot in my stomach for some unconscious reason. Like something's missing (my love life, probably). Everytime this feeling comes over, I feel like babbling in here about nothing in particular.

Random fact: I like to search people I know in the search engine and see what comes up. Must be the nosy side of me. But I prefer to call it curious.

Sometimes I feel like I'm addicted to information. Like I need to satisfy my brain by finding something interesting about the world. Even if it's something that doesn't involve a lot of brain power to understand. Actually that's the type that I like best. Maybe that's why I love reading and watching TV so much. Easy absorption of lots of information (especially the latter).

In other news, I put on extra weight after I went off my diet. This would be understandable if I put back on what I lost but the annoying thing is that I put on more than I had before. This is very frustrating cos my clothes are getting tight. This is the reason why people should never go on bad diets voluntarily. The best way to lose weight permanently is to eat healthy ALL THE TIME, not just for a few weeks or months.

I watched the Big Brother eviction tonight. Was a bit annoyed that Bree went cos she was interesting to watch. Ashalea reminds me so much of Amelia!!! I keep forgetting to write that. She's smart but acts all airy-fairy. They even have a very similar style and look 'a bit' alike. Hey, even their names are similar! (I just realised.)

I'm seeing Amelia and the others in a couple of days. Haven't seen them for a while so miss them a lot.

I should call Nadine and see what she's up to. Still haven't seen her photos from America. It's so weird how we don't talk much anymore. But I won't go into reminescing about old times.

Well, I feel better now that I typed out my flow of thoughts. Blogging is so therapeutic.

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