Saturday, July 02, 2005

David With a Puppy

David called last night to see how I was. He said he only got my message yesterday when he was ready to go to my house because he left his phone at home when he went to work.

He made me laugh so much I started coughing really badly and my voice cleared. Amazing, having a boyfriend cures sore throats. He was at Ryan's house and was playing with his puppy. I was so surprised to hear him talk in a highish voice to the puppy ("Awww, you're sooo cuuute. You wanna play, do you, do you? Ok, stop biting my fingers now. Ow! No, you can't eat plastic. Ok, fine, chew on Ryan's shoes"), it made me imagine that he'd be really good with kids.

I said that if I feel better tonight, he could come over. If not, he could come over tomorrow. Unfortunately, I'm probably still contagious so not a good idea for him to come over tonight. But least I had a good night's sleep last night so hopefully I'll be back to normal tomorrow.

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