Saturday, July 23, 2005

New Work Office

The people at my work are so amusing. I think they went through some politeness brainwashing course that makes them say polite things randomly.

Example 1
me: can you please sign my timesheet?
boss [after signing]: thank you

Example 2
on Friday afternoon
me: see you on Monday
60 year old worker (getting flustered): yeah, sure thing, have a good one too

Example 3
me: how do you do this?
60 year old worker: [blah blah blah]
me: oh ok
60 year old worker: yeah, thanks

My boss also has an interesting way with words.

boss: can you lasso Tom's stapler to him?
me: what?
boss: boomerang it back
me: return it?
boss: yeah, return it

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