Tuesday, June 06, 2006


You know it's a great book when you start to feel sadder and sadder as there are less and less pages left.

I so didn't want "The Dirty Girls Social Club" to end. From the title and the back cover it sounded like some standard chic lit. Something I'm really over. But the first page totally captured my attention. It is a solid piece of writing. Light and deep, funny and sad. The characters leapt off the page. I actually miss them almost like real people.

By the end I realised that the seemingly trashy title had a deeper meaning. These 'girls' were described as dirty because they were not perfect human beings. They had faults. Their lives were not squeaky clean. Some of them were a complete mess. And I guess that was what made them so interesting. So likeable. So easy to relate to.

I haven't read a book that I haven't been able to put down for a really long time.

This book was everything I love about reading. It was entertaining, it was educational, it opened my mind to ideas and observations I never thought of. There were times when I thought, "Oh my God! That's so true!" It broke all stereotypes and made me vicariously live through lives I never would have had a chance to experience in real life.

It was one of those books that you know will never be a classic but one that will always have a place in my mind and heart. It really had an effect on me. I cannot stop thinking about it.

Some books I just connect with and this was definitely one of them.

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