Monday, June 05, 2006

Stingy Job

Let me tell you one thing I didn't know before. Location is not everything.

I always hated commuting for over an hour to and from work. I thought I was wasting away my life in public transport.

Now I wish I could be on a train for a few hours just so I could enjoy my day at work.

This job is so frustrating, it's giving me a headache. For most of my day I am trying to fix things that don't work because they don't have the money to repair or renew equipment/software. I mean, I'm using an illegal copy which has expired. And the manager got annoyed when I asked if it was possible to get a legal copy without errors. She thinks if we've managed before, we can keep managing.

She doesn't realise how much time I waste going the long way to do very simple tasks.

I came early into the office in the hope that I could leave earlier. And of course, none of the 3 printers that we had could print properly the document that was needed for tomorrow. Ended up staying an extra hour. Had to print on the 'good' printer that I wasn't allowed to print on at first because they didn't want to waste the good inks. It's freaking ridiculous. We had to waste a lot more than that in the end.

Then the manager asked me not to do a good job making promotional material for the stores that sell our products just so that they would stop requesting so many. I mean, seriously, isn't the whole point to promote our stuff?

Today, I did this really nice flyer, but the manager said that we will just print one proper one and then photocopy the rest in black and white. I think it's more of a waste of money to do things badly because all that work ends up being for nothing.

What's the point of printing thousands of bad quality black and white brochures if no one would pay attention to them?

As you can see, I'm very frustrated. I didn't get a lunch break and I was held back.

I'm trying to concentrate on the fact that I have a job and am not unemployed. I also try to focus on Fridays. Last Friday was so great to come back to the temp job. I felt like I was actually accomplishing something.

The Director asked me to lead a meeting for a project we will be doing. I'm so excited but a bit nervous. She said that since I won't have time just on Fridays to complete this project alone, she wants me to co-ordinate the whole thing and delegate tasks. I'm so looking forward to this. It's one of those challenges that makes me excited and anxious at the same time.

What I would do just to work at that place.

I think I need to distance myself from this job so that it doesn't affect me to negatively. I think I'll just go there expecting to stay longer and not have a break. That way I won't be too disappointed when I can't leave on time. And I do get home quite early anyway.

I think I just got too spoiled by my temp job (and also the previous magazine one as well). Got too comfortable having a good computer and all the tools that I need at my disposal.

Should just concentrate on the fact that I'm earning money.

Oh, and if I really want to put things in perspective, I should try to remember when I was unemployed. And boyfriendless. This job is not looking so bad anymore.

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