Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Almost Perfect

I've already conjured up scenarios in which I get asked to work at the place I'm at now permanently. I wish the current graphic designer would find a different job in her three week holiday and they'd offer the position to me.

Everyone there is just so nice to work with. I feel like I almost fit in. The editor of the magazine that I'm currently designing for came to see what I did and she said, "Well, you're a clever girl, aren't you?" I hope that meant that she liked or at least approved my illustrations.

I think one guy in my department is POBian but I'm not completely sure.

Got a headache at work which started to really bug me. Was thinking of calling David to tell him not to come but I really wanted to see him.

He distracted me from any throbbing in my head.

He told me they were having a family birthday dinner for his sister and asked me if I wanted to come. I told him his sister didn't invite me and I didn't want to intrude on a family event. He said, "You're part of my family". I remember my brother didn't want him to come to his family birthday dinner. I guess I can understand that. I would've been the same with his girlfriend.

Speaking of my brother, I'm not very happy with him. We've really drifted apart. I told him he changed and he said that I did. He's become so irritable, so manipuative (something that I really don't like) and plain deceiving. Also, critical of me and my parents, while accepting all his friends' faults.

I'm not as hurt about it as I would've been before. I'm starting to accept that he will never be the sweet and easy-going kid that he used to be. Yes, it's sad, but that's life.

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