Tuesday, November 02, 2004



This is going to be a bit generalised but one thing I've learnt with Max (and I know all guys are not like him) is that it doesn't take much to change a guy's mind (especially if it's not totally made up, and sometimes even when it is). There were so many times when Max didn't want to talk to me but then did a 180 and would contact me all the time just because of what I would say.

And it's not just Max. I usually find it so easy to change people's minds so that they can see my way. The trick is to know what the other person's like and hit their buttons. With Max, that involved knowing when to make a joke and when to be serious and when to give him some time.

With my brother, the only way to change his mind is to use logic to show him how my way is actually better for him. Same goes with my parents.

With lecturers, the easiest way to get my way is to show them that I know everything they do but let them think that you know they're in charge.

To get the best out of sales people you have to show them that you know more than they do and they can't trick you.

I can keep going with this list but I guess the general rules are to be nice and know more than they do.

So this brings me to my problem. How can I change Andrew's mind if I don't know him well enough? And why would I want to change his mind if he doesn't like me? Because I have no dignity, that's why. And because I still can't understand why he didn't like me. In my mind it makes more sense for there to be some extraordinary excuse than for him not to like me.

I should just accept that I'm not as wonderful as I think I am.

I even came up with a sort of humourous message to send him because people usually warm up to humour (if it's not too obvious). But I don't know if I will. I guess I could. I have nothing to lose. My sanity, pride and other important qualities have been long gone.

I think I'm being silly like this because this is the closest I have ever come to having some sort of relationship with a guy who I liked. And if I give it up, I'm back to where I started from and I don't want to go back there just yet.

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