Monday, November 01, 2004



I called him and no one picked up. His mobile should say that he got a missed call from me. He either ignored my call or got it and decided not to call back. Either way, that makes him a coward. He should at least have the decency to call back and say he's not interested, rather than ignore it.

Oh well, he's not worth it then.

I'm more annoyed at myself for misjudging him and last Sunday. I truly thought it went well and he seemed to have a good time and he even referenced a 'next time' which I guess was pretty mean if he didn't plan on having a 'next time'.

Maybe he read my blog and recognised himself. How ironic that my blog would drive a guy away. Although I really doubt that happened. Maybe he found himself a girlfriend last week. I can come up with a few more 'maybe's but there's no point.

It's time to move on.

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