Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Mystery Caller

Mystery Caller

I've done one logo so I'm allowed one distraction.

About half an hour ago someone called my mobile but since I was in another room and didn't hear it straight away, I missed the call. It said it was from some number I didn't know. First thing that came into my mind was that it was from Andrew (who might've gotten a new number which would explain why he didn't get my other call and message) but then I told myself that was highly unlikely because why would he call me from work? And he could've also called me from his home number before.

I hate how even though I've stopped expecting him to call since last week, something as small as getting a call from an unknown number would bring all this hope back. Argh. And I know it's not from some company (eg. travel agent, tutoring agency etc) because they all have private numbers and they leave messages on my voicemail and they don't call from mobiles. They call from their office phones. So it was probably just a wrong number. Yep, that's what it was.

Ok, back to work.

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