Friday, November 05, 2004



My Mum saw that girl that knows Andrew yesterday and although I asked her not to say anything to her, she just couldn't help herself. I'm still not exactly sure what she said but she told me that the girl's boyfriend (who's friends with him) can never reach him on his mobile and has to call his home number.

I won't be calling his home number though because he can call me himself if he wants to. One message and one phone call is more than enough from my side.

My Mum was also telling me how she talks to some two good-looking 27 year olds at her post-grad course and that one of them is always asking her to introduce him to someone but she said she didn't know anyone, because they're too old for me and because she knows I don't like guys who pester people much older than them to introduce them to someone. But it's kinda funny though for my Mum who gets amused by them. Here's apparently how their conversation goes:

Guy: Do you know any beautiful girls for me?
Mum: All you want is someone beautiful!
Guy: Fine, they don't have to be beautiful. I just want some nice POBian girl.
Mum: so you just want someone POBian?
Guy: I just want a girlfriend. You must know someone.
Mum: nope, no one.

I bet that guy has a crush on my Mum or something. I don't know why but that's kinda funny. Anyway, guys having crushes on my Mum is understandable. She's in her early 40s but looks like she's in her late 30s and people always say she's got a news reporter/actress face. I can kinda imagine her reading the news, although her voice isn't stern enough. And one of her old bosses kept buying her gifts. My Dad didn't seem to mind. He'd laugh about it with my Mum.

Never thought I'd say this but I actually wouldn't mind turning out like my Mum because everyone loves her and she has a lot of discipline (something that's lacking in me). She always gets things done. And she has good judgement.

Anyway, this just turned out into an entry about how wonderful my Mum is, even though she does things I ask her not to. But I guess it's good to reflect sometimes how lucky I am to have my family.

Now, back to the last part of my assignment. There's still hope that I can finish it today.

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