Friday, December 30, 2005

Craving to Read

Maybe it's because lately I've had more free time but I've been craving to read more interesting blogs and since I haven't found many to really get into, I've been compensating by writing more in mine.

I think I'm going to go to the library next week and get myself some good (preferably intellectual) reading material. April and I want to resurrect our book club (where we forced ourselves to read Pride and Prejudice and didn't end up reading anything else). This time we're going to read something not only sophisticated, but also interesting. Maybe I can get everyone (which also includes Claudia) to read A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson. I've been meaning to read something by him and the idea of learning about history in digestible portions really appealed to me.

April came over today and I showed her a trashy romance book I found in David's room (before you gasp, let me explain that his Mum works in a hotel and finds books people leave so she brings them home and puts them on his bookshelf). April and I took turns to read the absolutely cheesiest lines (e.g. "Don't I mean anything to you anymore?!" and "You're nothing, sucker!") while rolling in fits of laughter. We acted like such school girls giggling at the descriptions of the characters (e.g. "muscular frame that telegraphed all man to her, eminently lust-worthy").

Haven't seen David all day which is pretty amazing. I'll call him later though 'cause I need to tell him what time we're meeting tomorrow for the fireworks.

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