Friday, December 16, 2005

The Meaning of a Christmas Tree

I feel like my sight is deteriorating. Hope it's just 'cause of tiredness and my eyes will be back to how they were.

Deciding to give my eyes some rest, I put up our Christmas tree. My familly will be surprised when they get home. My Mum has been wanting to do this for over a week now but hasn't had much time.

I got a little nostalgic looking at all our decorations, some of them we had since I was child, brought here from POB. They were old with paint peeling off but I didn't care and put them right at the front. When I was younger I would get a little obsessive with decorating the tree 'the right' way. It would get to a point where I would boss my brother where to put each decoration so that the tree looked even and no two same colours were next to each other and that all the new decorations were at the front and the old ones at the back. Then there were a couple of years when I didn't care at all about decorating the tree and left it to my Mum and Andy.

Then today, I really enjoyed doing it. Didn't get obsessive (much) about where to put the decorations. If anything, I wanted to put all the ones that had meaning, like the ones Andy and I made just after we moved to Australia because we didn't have a lot of decorations. Or the ones from POB which are so old fashioned. They remind me of Christmas at my grandparents' house when we were little.

A couple of years ago when I worked in a big department store, I thought it would be really cool to decorate your tree based on a theme, but now that I put all the decorations we had together, it kinda looks cosy and homey and not so sterilised.

I wonder if those new upside down Christmas trees will take off...

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