Sunday, March 02, 2003

Got a Semi-Life Yesterday

Christine's party was very disappointing. About 20 people came. An all right guy sat opposite me (which was lucky, I guess since there were only 2 guys that I might have wanted to get to know). I couldn't talk to the guy at all because there was nothing to talk to him about. He said a few funny things but that's about it. The other guy that I wanted to talk to came to sit next to the previously mentioned guy but I didn't really talk to him. Both of them were definitely not RG material so I didn't really care that I didn't talk to them anyway. I was telling myself to say at least something to make friends with them (since they must know other guys (that might be RG material) but it was as if I lost my tongue. I couldn't think of anything to say. I'm destined to be single for the rest of my life.

I've had a nightmare last night about snakes being everywhere in my house and I was scared to move or do anything. I think it represents the stress that I'm in because of my singleness.

While I'm on the subject of dreams, I should tell you that the best person to interpret your dreams is you because dreams are subconsious associations with your life so since your brain associated one thing with another, it only makes sense that you are the one that knows what the associations mean.

Back to Christine's party. Everyone left early so my parents were pleasantly surprised that they wouldn't have to stay up till midnight.

April and I were talking about having a combined birthday party which made me think that I don't have any guys to invite. How extremely embarrassing. You know, I could probably invite about 20 (if not more) girls but not one single guy. Something is so seriously wrong with me. Lately I can make friends so easily with girls but with guys it's impossible. When I was little I had more guys friends than girl friends. I was always the one saying how much easier it is to relate to guys. I could become good friends with any guy that I met. What the hell happened? Does any one else have this problem of only being able to make friends with people of the same gender? Or am I the only insane one?

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