Thursday, March 13, 2003

Siblings' Love

I seriously don't know what it's like to be an only child and I don't want to know. Yesterday, I was watching TV with my brother and all of a sudden I thought that I don't know what I'd do without him. Sure, I get annoyed with him sometimes but in general he's like my best friend. He probably knows more about me than anyone else (about the same as Nadine). When we were little he'd always follow me around and copy everything I did and now he respects my opinion the most. He told me that himself. He said that no matter what, he always takes my opinion the most seriously. That makes me feel so extremely good that I'm so important to someone. I can't even describe the feeling. It makes me feel sorry for people who don't have any siblings but I guess since they don't, they don't know what they're missing. For example, April (or was it Judy?) told me once that she likes being an only child. If I ever have kids, I'm having at least 2 because I think it's cruel to only have one. I know some siblings don't get along and that makes me sad because having a sibling is a gift that should be treasured. It's like your parents giving you a friend for life who will love you unconditionally. That's something extremely special.

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