Wednesday, March 19, 2003

The Ya-Ya Concept

I was just checking out message boards and it's amazing how many women are into the whole thing. Some were planning a pyjama party and they are way past their teenage years. I thought I was the only one who likes stuff like that but am too old for it. I guess not. I don't know why all those women want to meet other women who they've never seen. Maybe they're lonely, who knows. I'd feel a bit weird joining something like that. I'd rather just do that sort of stuff with my own friends, instead of strangers with whom I'd have to pretend to be really close. Isn't that what the ya-ya thing is all about? I mean females being close friends with each other. How would that work with strangers? It's not like you can be close friends with someone you just met. Can you?

Sure, the idea of lots of close friends has a warm feeling but I don't see how it would work in real life if everyone met over the net. Do you?

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