Friday, March 28, 2003

Photos, Ew and Wishes

There are photos of me and people from uni on the net but I can't show them to you, even though I really want to. It's nice to be able to put a face to a person that you've heard about. I'm sure you understand the reason. For those who don't, ask yourself this question:
if you were me and this was your blog, would you want to be identified? I didn't think so.

Today when I was standing next to Jack, I felt my skin crawl. It was horrible. I tried to pretend that he wasn't there but it wasn't easy.

I started the book shop job yesterday. It was great. It made me think that although it took me ages to find a casual job, when I did find one, it was the perfect one. Since working in a book shop was a childhood wish for me, it feels so surreal now that it's reality. I don't believe it's happening. Every time something that I always wanted happens, it feels like I'm dreaming. All of this is probably because it's very rare that I get something that I really want. This made me wonder that maybe Nadine is right about RG -- although I'm finding it impossible to find a boyfriend, when I will find one, he will be perfect. Oh... I wish!

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