Saturday, April 02, 2005

Am I Real?

A while ago, I stumbled on an article that talked about a blogger who made up a character and wrote this character's blog as if she was a real person. Apparently, the real person (a middle-aged man) even conversed with his readers pretending to be this fictional woman. He said he did it as research for something or other.

This got me thinking if maybe I could do something like that. I mean it would be fun to pretend to be someone I'm not. I would be able to make up exciting storylines and adventures this fictional character would have. It would be like writing a book, only the readers would believe it was true.

So today, something/someone triggered another thought in me. What if some people think this blog isn't written by a real person? What if they think I'm just a character someone else made up?

(Although honestly, don't you think I would create some more interesting things happen to me?)

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