Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Another Addition

You will not believe this but there is now BG3. I wonder if he can be in my BG club if I know his name and email?

I met this one at the same bus stop at which I met BG1. And I only went there 'cause I was at uni today and had a tiny bit of hope that I might see him if I go there. So while I was standing there waiting for the bus (thinking, "Yeah right I'll see him. There's no chance that would ever happen"), some guy came up to me and asked when the last bus came (exactly what BG1 said). So then I told him and he asked what I studied and I had to tell him I didn't anymore and we ended up chatting all the way to the train station.

David is from South America and thought I looked South American. How, I have no idea since I'm pale. But Rory from Gilmore Girls is Hispanic and she looks Caucasian to me. So hey, who am I to say what race I look like. And being told I look South American is a compliment to me since I think the majority of South Americans are good looking.

When we had to part, I said "See you later" and then turned around and blurted out, "Actually, I'll probably never see you" and he asked for my email.

So, that's that. Will try not to get my hopes up since last time I did that it didn't turn out too well for me. But it's hard again. I'm sure he didn't ask for my email if he didn't want to contact me, especially after I said I'll never see him again (which was not supposed to come out of my mouth).

Oh well, we'll see what happens. If nothing else, at least my BG collection is growing.

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