Sunday, April 10, 2005

Letting It Out

April and I have talked many times about whether talking about obsessing over something actually encourages more obsessing. And so we decided to stop talking about our main topic of obsession for a while. However, just because we didn't talk about it, didn't mean we stopped thinking about it. It got even harder that we had all these thoughts and couldn't even talk about them so we ended up feeling even worse and decided to stop our little idea.

I firmly believe that talking about, writing or some other form of expressing how you feel is very helpful. I can't speak for every single person because maybe there are people who feel better by not expressing themselves in any way but I really don't know anyone like that.

So when I write long entries about obsessing over RG or feeling like I'll be a spinster for the rest of my life and any of you think, "Just get over it!" you can stop reading because this is my way of getting over it. After I write everything I want about my obsessions, I stop thinking about it because I've let it all out and have no need to do so anymore. Until next time I start feeling like that.

And as a side note, I absolutely hate having people tell me what I should do and how I should be. Unless I ask or if it's from someone I'm close to who has some useful suggestions. But I even get annoyed at my Mum telling me things like I should wear more make-up to work or I should wear skirts more often. Argh.

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