Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Unnecessary Nerves

I haven't felt knots in my stomach since one of the last times I did public speaking, and I really didn't expect to experience the same feeling again.

But now, every time I think, "I'm going to call David now", I seriously feel like all the nerve endings in my stomach received an electric shock. I don't even like him at all. And I'm sure he's going to be happy to hear from me since he gave me his number. Then, why do I freaking feel like this? Like I care what he thinks. Stupid nerves. They always get in the way of normal life.

Sure, I can take the easy way out and just email him back, but I don't want to do that because it's going to make organising to meet up more difficult than it has to be.

Ok, I'll call him.

In 10 minutes.

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