Monday, April 10, 2006

All or Nothing

I can't believe it! I really can't!!!

The agent who got me the job at the magazine, called me to ask if I wanted to work there again for two months, 3 days a week.

How is it that for months I had no jobs, no interviews, no opportunities even though I tried so hard, and now I've had 4 offers within weeks!

Obviously I will have to decline their offer as I have no time for it. If they offered me a full-time position, that would be an entirely different story.

My permanent "part-time" position at the moment is stressing me out more than necessary. First of all, they have the worst environment. The office stinks, the computers and software are from the early 90s and there's not enough lighting. I mean, when you sit in front of the computer the whole day, good lighting is so important!

It's also very unorganised. The marketing manager, even though the sweetest person, has no eye for design, admits it but still wants everything done her way.

The toilet is almost inside the room (as there's no corridor between it and the office), so everyone can see exactly how long you've been there. I'm sure after a while it'd be easier to get used to hearing the constant flushing.

Working from home isn't too hard other than the programs that I have to use are totally incompatible with each other. For 90% of the time I have no idea how the colours will turn out when printed. This particular problem drove me nuts all weekend. And will certainly drive me nuts for as long as I have to use those two programs together.

These problems really make you appreciate a nice work environment, such as my contract work one. I can just do my work, without stopping every 10 minutes to solve some technical problem.

I get annoyed at the people at (my day-time) work who say how unorganised the management is. I don't know, they probably are but they are definitely better than all the other places I worked at.

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