Sunday, April 16, 2006

The Older Generation

Last night, April, David and I went to see a play. We were surprised to discover that the average age of the audience was about 55-60. It was funny to see how the older people laughed at some jokes like they could really relate.

There was this one moment where one of the characters who lied about her age (she said she was 68 instead of 72), explained, "When you get to how old I am, you don't say your age or your face might hear you," and the whole audience just cracked up! They couldn't stop. So I started laughing at that. There were lots more moments like that. I tried to watch the story from an old person's point of view because that made it funnier.

April and I tried to pretend to be sophisticated and mature to fit in more but our constant giggling didn't help to create the desired impression. In the interval, most people were drinking coffee and April commented how odd it was that in a lot of functions where there are old people, they always drink coffee. David said, "It's past their bed time. They need to stay awake". God, I hope no one heard him.

I reminded April that when we get old we are going to be cool and drink Coke.

It was a good experience though. Culturally and artistically stimulating. David enjoyed himself too which made me happy because he's never been to a proper play before.

It was nice to catch up with April too. Although there was this weird moment when we didn't have anything to say to each other. I was glad David started asking questions. He's very good at making conversation.

We got home pretty early. I wouldn't have mided staying out later but it was a bit weird because David thought April expected us to catch the train back with her. And we couldn't exactly discuss going out plans when she was right there.

It was a nice night though.

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