Thursday, April 20, 2006

A Blog Break

Phew! Finally I get a break just to blog.

I only have about 15 minutes before I have to get ready to go salsa tonight with David.

I'm still a little amazed at myself that I'm fitting in two busy jobs, going out, exercising and maintaining the household (while my Mum is away). And with minimal whinging.

I only cut down on TV.

Last night David came over but we had to postpone the "Prison Break"date to another time because my eyes needed a break. We went for a walk/run which was so great!

I gave him a piano lesson. That was fun. He's so patient. I would've been bored playing the same few notes of a song after two goes. However, he wanted to practise it until it was perfect. He said he wanted to buy his step-sister's old piano. Then he realised he doesn't have any space for it.

We also practised some salsa moves because I don't want to look embarrassing tonight. I thought I would've forgotten it but we did it pretty smoothly, even the hard parts.

After he left, I did some more work, while chatting to people from uni. That was nice. I haven't been going out with them for a while. Might see them this weekend.

Today, I had so much work to do, I should've stayed back, but I had to go to my other job. Fortunately, they don't expect me there until next Wednesday which gives me plenty of time to complete the given tasks.

I'm a little stressed whether my manager will be annoyed with me that I didn't finish all the work before I left.

Anyway, no point worrying about it now. Will go and enjoy myself tonight.

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