Saturday, April 15, 2006

Happy Easter

Someone please make me do work.

Gosh, I'm sounding like a procrastinating uni student again.

Even though I got home at 1am last night, I woke up before 7am. Just not tired anymore. I keep telling myself that if I finish the work today, I'd have two days without any worries.

Maybe I should tell myself I'll be getting paid for spending time doing that work. I have to do a stupid coupon booklet of the company's products. How boring.

Last night was wonderful. I went over to David's house where his two step-sisters came with their families. His step-dad made the most delicious food. I've never been a seafood/fish person until I tasted his cooking. Now I'm craving prawns and baby octopuses and fish, mixed with rice. Mmm...

I made a cake for them but I was so disappointed it didn't turn out well. It looked pretty good so I think most people just noticed that. Besides, since they've never tasted it before, they might've thought it was supposed to be a little mushy. That's what I hope anyway.

I felt bad that I didn't bring any Easter presents. I only had some chocolate eggs for the kids. David was so thoughtful. He remembered that I said I'm not really into chocolate bunnies so he got me a toy one and some chocolate eggs "because I know you like chocolate". Can't say I'm really into toy bunnies either but it's the thoughtful gesture that means the most. I mean, he remembered such a small detail that I only mentioned in passing!

I'm glad only a couple of days ago, I got him a huge bag of jelly beans (since the other one I got him was stolen). That lessened the guilt.

David and I were the youngest couple there. The oldest step-sister is 37 with two young kids and the youngest one is close to 30. Her boyfriend/partner's name is David too. I felt a little left out. But so did David's Mum. She was pretty quiet the whole time. David and I played with the kids. It reminded me of when my cousins and I were children and my young auntie and uncle would stay with us, rather than the adults.

David was great with the kids. The little two year old was all over him. She kept poking him, pulling him, just about everything. It was so cute to watch. I think, for most girlfriends, it's nice to see their boyfriends get along with kids.

While I was talking to the older girl, David's Mum said that I should be a teacher. She said the same thing last Christmas. I never mentioned to her that I was planning on doing it. She used to be a teacher in South America but because of her English, she can't be one here.

The oldest step-sister invited us to her house on Sunday. It's going to be a little weird because everyone will be in their 30s. I guess, as long as I have David, it's going to be fun. It's weird that she sees us as an adult couple. Or maybe I'm just not used to it.

I'm starting to feel really grown-up being invited to adult parties as a couple.

On Thursday night, David and I went out with Christine, Evan, Mike and Claudia. That was great. Couples our age. (Well, except Evan but he doesn't count as a 30 year old.) Amelia was supposed to come too but she got called to work. It was a different experience to be part of such a couple group. Christine acted a bit funny because she kept either grabbing David on the arm or dragging him and just plain staring. She didn't do that to Mike. I wonder if she thought he was hot. I mean, I did but does that mean others find him attractive? She always comments how 'hot' some guys are, even though she has a boyfriend. I could imagine her gossiping to Amelia or Claudia about him. I don't mind or anything. Just find it a little funny.

First, we went for drinks (I only had orange juice because last time I had alcohol on an empty stomach didn't turn out too well). Then we had a yummy Thai dinner. Afterwards every couple went their own way.

I remember in high school, Christine was the only one with a boyfriend and we got annoyed how she brought Evan everywhere with us, especially that he was 8 years older and felt like an adult chaperone. Then Claudia got Mike who's very easy to get along with and our group had a little divide between the couples and the singles. Now there's an addition of David. The scales tipped towards the couple side. Only April is left. (Amelia is not interested in getting a boyfriend, she only wants to flirt and tease.)

I harbour hopes that this year April will meet the guy who she'd like and who'd be brave enough to make a move.

Imagining our whole group being couples is kinda fun. Mainly I can't wait for April's first experience in relationships. I want to know how it will be for her. Plus, I think it'll bring us closer again. Inevitably, we drifted apart a bit.

We used to speak every few days before but now I haven't had a proper conversation with her since my birthday. I miss her.

I'm seeing her tonight because we're going to see a musical. Can't wait. David's coming too.

I like having something fun to do every night, especially on the long weekend. My poor Dad is going to be alone (since my Mum and Andy are in POB now). David's Mum gave me heaps of left-over dessert to give to him. That was really sweet of her.

On that note, I should end this post and get my work done.

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