Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Back Soon

My Mummy and Andy are coming back in two days from POB! I can't wait. The house has been pretty quiet with just Dad and me.

I'm excited to hear all the gossip about my relatives. Andy told me on the phone that they talk a lot about me and David. Can't say I'm too surprised but I want to know every detail of what they're saying.

Mum said my grandparents are not too well. That worries me. I don't want anything happening to them for at least another 20 years. I mean, they're only in their 60s. I guess, over there that age is older than it is here.

And I want them to be at my wedding. A little early for that, I know. But I really want them to be there.

On the weekend, we're going to celebrate my Mum's birthday. She turned 45. It's weird to think of my parents as 'middle-aged' now. I mean, they are young to me! I see my Mum going to work in her suits and stuff and I think of her as a 30-something. That's how I will always see her, I think.

Anyway, this will be the first time David will come to a big family gathering. All my relatives will be there. I don't know why but I'm nervous. I don't want them thinking we are very serious. I just don't want them making a big deal about it. This would be the first time they see me officially with a guy. I'm not sure if they know if I had any other boyfriends, but they definitely know I never had anyone serious long-term. This is why they'll be interested in him.

I guess it'll be easier after the first meeting. It's the first meeting that always makes me nervous.

It should be interesting, nevertheless.

My Dad really misses my Mum. Every time he's on the phone with her, he's got the biggest grin. It's so cute. I want to feel like that about my husband after over 20 years of marriage.

Can't wait till my brother gets a serious girlfriend so we could all feel like grown-ups. It's fun imagining us all meeting for dinner with our respective families.

I almost finished my work for tomorrow so I'm happy that I will have some time to read my books. I missed them.

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