Wednesday, September 29, 2004

The Four of Us

The Four of Us

Went over to Christine's house today. April and Claudia were there too. Amelia had other plans. We played board games (April and I lost terribly to Christine and Claud in Pictionary). However, I did win the game about who tells the best lies. No surprises there. I'm an expert liar.

We ate a lot of junk food. We talked a lot and had a great time.

It'd be a lot harder to have days like that next year when some of us will have full-time jobs. (Hopefully, I'll have a job.)

Childhood is slipping through our fingers too fast.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Other People and Life Mistakes

Other People and Life Mistakes

Had a nice day in the city with April, Claud and Christine. We went for lunch at a very quirky place because we are trying to taste every international cuisine there is. Next to us sat a group of young women who reminded me of the 'girls' from "Sex and the City". They were all tall, dressed very metropolitan and talked about their relationships (as April told me since I couldn't really hear them).

And there were four of us who looked like kids (and I sure felt like one too). Maybe it's because I know my friends since high school that I always feel like I'm a high school student whenever I'm around them. The only thing that really changed is that now we don't eat at McDonalds every time we go out. Other than that, we still act silly and talk about movies and organising our next get-togethers.

In front of me sat a middle-aged couple who I'm certain were having an affair. I could tell this by the way the woman stared dreamily at the muscled guy (with grey hair) who I'm sure looked gorgeous when he was younger. The way the woman kept flicking her fake blonde hair. The way the man couldn't keep his hands off her. The way they were trying to look like teenagers. It was plain gross.

After our lunch, April and I went to watch "Suddenly Thirty" which was VERY enjoyable. April and I couldn't control our laughter. Sadly, we could relate too much to the pain the 13 year old girl was experiencing. But I'd like to point out, that we NEVER went as far as she did. Just so you know.

The movie made us think if we could change anything in the past what it would be. April apparently wouldn't change anything. People say that they don't regret mistakes because of what they learn but I'd rather not make mistakes because I could've not been where I am today if I didn't make them. Like my Dad says, "It's better to learn from other people's mistakes" and I totally agree.

Although if anything was too different, I might've never met April and I don't know what I'd do without her. I always get the best stomach workout laughing with her.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Perfect Friend

If you feel like your friends are not how you want them to be, think about this:

"When your looking for a friend don't look for perfection, just look for friendship."

The Worst Habit

The Worst Habit

There’s a girl in my course who hasn’t talked to anyone for the last two years and only last week decided to try and join in by having lunch with us. I tried to make her feel welcome (‘cause it can be quite daunting to try and join a large group of people who all know each other). I started talking to her but I couldn’t understand a word she was saying because of her very strong accent. That made it very difficult because I couldn’t reply to what she said but just sat there, smiled and nodded. And every time, she’d look at me questioningly, I felt really bad for seeming so snobby to her.

She was also talking while she was eating and she had all this food stuck in her teeth and she was chewing really noisily and spitting. It was so gross, especially that one thing that irritates me above all else is people eating loudly, making that smacking, chewing and gulping noise. (Just that day, a girl behind me on the train was eating so loudly I had to restrain myself from turning around and telling her to shut up).

Even after that girl was gross, I invited her to come along for our yesterday’s outing. She came which surprised the others and afterwards they said it was nice that she did. I tried to talk to her again because most people were ignoring her (not because they were being rude but because she wasn’t really joining in) and I have to say that I’m over trying so hard to make her feel comfortable because she was spitting when she was talking and I couldn’t understand what she was talking about. I try not to feel sorry for people but it was a bit hard with her.

Which habit irritates you the most?

Friday, September 24, 2004

An Outing Causes Reflection

An Outing Causes Reflection

I think my private blog with April is making me write less in here. For example, I had a sorta interesting day today but I can't really write about all the details in here 'cause I'm too paranoid someone I know might recognise me. It's just easier to only tell April about it.

I went out with some uni friends and amazingly had (I'm a bit afraid to say this) a BETTER time than I usually have with my high school friends. Never thought that could happen. Now, what made it better?

Firstly - guys. Even if none of them were my type (or anywhere even close) but it was nice to hang out with not only girls. Secondly, I loved how everyone was a lot more outgoing which made it easier to not worry whether everyone was having a good time. And it was easier to have a good time with relaxed social people around.

It's weird how although I act the same with my high school friends and my uni friends, people have quite different perceptions of me.

I also got thinking that not only can't we choose our families, but we also can't choose our friends. If I could pick people I'd want to be friends with from the entire population, I doubt I'd choose the friends I have. Except a few.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

The Death of a Blog

The Death of a Blog

I was just reflecting on the fact that I've had this blog for a year and a half. That's kinda long. There have been a number of blogs that I found to love but then their bloggers decided to stop writing. There was madpony, Anna and me and now Belle de Jour has decided to end hers. I wonder if I'll ever get sick of writing here. Somehow I doubt it.

Today, I accidentally stumbled on another great blog. Lisa, the blogger from New York, is the type of person that I'd want to be friends with. She's positive and funny and interesting so her blog is great to read. Hopefully, she won't stop writing in it so I can enjoy it for a while longer.

Can't wait to go to America. I might start to count down the days soon!

Invitation Only

Invitation Only

Now that I have a Gmail account, I feel like a part of an exclusive society. I had it since last week (I think...) and I have to say that it's definitely a great innovation on the ordinary email. The 1Gb of email space is fantastic as well as conversation like emails where the replies to a certain email do not litter your inbox, but are added to the original email. So there's no need for ">>>>" that show which email you're replying to. This probably won't make sense if you don't have it, but trust me, it's great!

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

A Good Boring Day

A Good Boring Day

This semester, I'm not having any exciting days like in previous ones. Here's what happened today:

  • Did a presentation which made my tutor laugh. That never happened before, but I was quite pleased.
  • Got my essay back and got a distinction - very unexpected since I haven't written a proper essay since high school. (My course is mostly project based.)
  • At the station, bought a return ticket to the city so that I could go and fix my plane ticket but it turned out the guy gave me a one way (even though I paid for a return). I got quite annoyed when the ticket gate swallowed my ticket.
  • Couldn't find the travel centre so went into a bank to ask. A cute guy was there who actually came out with me onto the street to look for house numbers. Obviously there weren't any, since I already looked before asking him. I asked him to ask other people who worked at the bank. One lady knew and told me.
  • Fixed my plane ticket after a debate about whether the lady could do it. Felt good about changing her mind, and saving $100.
  • Got on the train and listened to young high school boys talk about movies and girls. It was very entertaining.
  • Got off a station before mine and walked home. (I decided to lose weight for my end of the year formal and since there's not much I can change about my diet which is pretty healthy, I've decided to exercise more.)

Monday, September 20, 2004

Teenage Dramas

Teenage Dramas

Everyone seems to be really rapt in The OC, except me. The show just seems to be a new generation of Dawson's Creek, but in my opinion not as good. I don't know, maybe I've just outgrown angsty teenage dramas. But somehow I don't think that's the reason for me not liking it.

I think the difference between The OC and other shows (that I've watched) that it's been compared to (such as Dawson's Creek, Felicity and Party of Five) is that in The OC, I don't like the characters. It's not even just that I can't relate to them (like I could with Joey, Felicity and Claudia), but I genuinely don't like them. They bore me. Seth (played by Adam Brody) is the only one that seems to be interesting but in this show, his character is lost and downplayed by teenage guy fantasy storylines.

The girls in the show seem to be completely two dimensional and are there only as objects for the guys to drool over. There's the "girl next door" who can't even be compared to Joey (even when she did get annoying), there's the "straight-forward flirt" and the "nice blonde". Their stereotypes all add to the ingredients of the typical teenage soap-opera.

Saturday, September 18, 2004



I got another tutoring job and it made me think how many kids I tutored. And they are all so different, with their distinct personalities.

The guy that I tutor now, Aidan, started off as someone I thought I could really make a difference in, but then progressed to me just wanting to get through the lesson any way possible, but today something clicked and I actually thought that I quite liked him. He wasn't a lost cause after all. He was bright (which I always knew) and this brightness wasn't just his brains but his personality too. At first I thought he was some kid on drugs with a big attitude problem who was too lazy to use his brain, but today I realised that he was a very friendly person who was creative and clever, but just lived in an environment that wouldn't let him be confident enough to use his brains. He even told me that the reason he didn't want to do too well in tests was so that he wouldn't be the top student, because that was a bad label to have. And that's quite sad.

Maybe I should've been a teacher, as I wanted to be until about year 11. Hmm.... Maybe not, I should just stick to tutoring.

Book End

Book End

It's so annoing when a book is very interesting and then you get to the end and it has the cheesiest conclusion.

"Geography" by Sophie Cunningham is a perfect example. It's about a woman telling her story (about how she got obsessed with a man who was just using her) to a young woman she befriends on a holiday in India. Stop reading now if you don't want to know how it ends. As soon as the young woman turns out to be gay, I was hoping that the author wouldn't resort to the older woman falling in love with her. And when throughout the book, nothing of this sort happens, I got quite happy that a story can be about a close friendship between 2 women (one of which is gay) without them falling in love with each other, but then the author had to go and ruin everything. In the last few pages, the older woman (who was completely obsessed with a man throughout the whole story) goes and falls in love with the young gay one. I was so disappointed that it had to have such a predicted and corny ending.

Now I have a major dilemma: should I reduce my originial rating of 4 stars to 3 stars on Amazon just because of the ending? Decisions, decisions.

Friday, September 17, 2004



Can't say that I'm surprised that I was the only one turn up to the dancing class. I didn't even care as much as I did last time. I was beyond caring. I got the lesson for free, even though it was cut in half. Oh well. I'll go next week again. The instructor (who seemed only a few years older than me) said that some of her workmates will be coming next week. I'm not counting on it.

Another Try

Another Try

I decided to give dancing lessons another try. I found an ad in the paper about new ones that are located only 2 suburbs away from mine. I called the place and the lady sounded nice (which was a change from the dancing studos in my suburb). And they are not expensive, like the ones in the city. My only hope is that I won't be the only one to turn up like the last time. Really hope nothing goes wrong.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Without My Brother

Without My Brother

I saw "Marty's and Jess's Outback Wedding" and although I didn't think it was as good as Trista's Wedding, one bit brought tears to my eyes. When I heard that her brother died in the Bali bombings, I just felt so extremely sick because I couldn't stop putting myself in her shoes and imaginig what it would be like without Andy. Even after it finished when I'd think of it, I'd get all teary.

I guess what made me so sad was the fact that Andy and I haven't spoken to each other properly for a month now because he's really mad at me for losing my temper really bad and going a bit insane. Even though he provoked it, but it's no excuse. I tried to talk to him but he got mad that I was pretending like nothing happened.

I decided to be mature about this because life is too short for fights like these and wrote him an apology (since he wouldn't talk to me).

I hate not talking to him so much because he's my favourite person in the whole world (even at his worst) and the thought of him not being close with me makes me so upset that I don't want to waste a single moment being like we are now.

I realised a while ago that I love my parents because they are my parents but I love Andy not because he's my brother but because he's the best person I know.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004



Yesterday when I saw the last 5 minutes of "Australian Idol: The Unforgettables" or whatever it was called, I felt like Matilda did when she saw dollar bills being stuck to a guy using honey (or whatever it was) and broke the TV using her brain power. Unfortunately, I didn't have that much brain power and I love the TV too much.

But seriously, it made me sick that people's stupidity was exploited like that. I felt the performers' humiliation for them, since they obviously didn't understand that they were being publicly made fun of. Reminded me of primary schools when kids who didn't know any better were made fun of and they thought people actually liked them.

I guess I should try not to feel too bad for them since the performers actually enjoyed the spotlight and being part of the show (even if they didn't understand what it really was about).

What is really disgusting though was that a show like that could actually make money. It was something that could've been written in a fiction book satirising pop culture. But it was actually real. How very sad that television has to sink down to this level.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

My Grandparents' Quirks

My Grandparents' Quirks

My grandparents crack me up.

When I went to visit them today, somehow we got talking about TV and my grandma asked, "What's with the ad that has a girl turning around and dropping her skirt?" Since my grandparents don't really understand English, I had to explain to them about the Miss Universe incident and that it was no ad.

My grandma then said, "She wasn't even wearing underwear" and my grandpa said that she was. My grandma then waved her hand and said, "Yes, she was wearing some stringy thing. Is that supposed to make people think that she's wearing underwear? Is it just a string at the front as well?".

I couldn't reply because my stomach was hurting from laughing so much. I tried to calm down by telling them that Australia won Miss Universe (because it turned out my grandparents didn't know) and my grandma said, "I didn't see her face but her butt wasn't bad".

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Memory Prevents From Enjoyment of Song

Memory Prevents From Enjoyment of Song

Every time I see/hear Thirsty Merc on TV/radio, I can't take their song seriously because all I can think of is when the lead singer made out in front of me at the Maroon 5 concert. And how short he was.

And the song sounds nice (if only a little bit off).

Personal Reminder

Personal Reminder

Starting to talk to Max again was supposed to be something extra to spice up my life, not the ONLY thing to make my life interesting.

MUST NOT get into the old cycle of obsession. Must pretend that everything is the same as it was before I started to talk to him again. So he's just a small part to make things fun, not the ONLY fun thing to be exaggerated and taken out of proportion. NOT the centre of my fun.

Must stop thinking up of endless scenarios involving Max. Actually came up with what I can say to my friends about how I met Max, without lying, and without telling the real truth. God, I can be so manipulative. Although it might not go the way I'd like. I guess I don't really have to think about it just yet, anyway.

Friday, September 10, 2004

TAFE Assignment: Supporting Role Played By My Blog

TAFE Assignment: Supporting Role Played By My Blog

I was checking my blog statistics today and saw that I was linked to what looks like a tafe assignment.

As I read it, I couldn't help but think that my blog was an example of a mundane blog that the author of that page talks about (since the other 3 examples look like very popular blogs (especially, who most bloggers know about).

It also said that "Anonyminity can also reduce the credibility of the writer if they are making comments but not taking responibility" (a spelling mistake in an assignment!) which is a bit hypocritical since I couldn't find anywhere on that site where it said who its author was. (Although if I had to do an assignment that I had to post on the internet, I wouldn't write my name either.)

Not that I'm certain about this, but it's kinda funny if my blog was used as a bad example.



Watched so much TV today in the morning. Probably to make up for how much I haven't watched in the last few weeks.

I taped "Joe Schmoe" and "Playing It Straight" since I'm addicted to reality TV shows. Joe Schmoe is getting quite suspenseful since it's getting close to when the guy finds out that the other contestants are actors. Have a feeling he's going to cry (judging by how he started sobbing when one contestant that he liked got voted off). Seriously, get a grip, it's a TV show!

"Playing It Straight" I just had to watch. The guys that got voted off I thought were gay. I always liked to think that I can read people pretty well so it's a bit disheartening to realise that I can't. The way one guy (that got voted off) said, "Ohmy Gawwd!!" I thought was a sure sign that he was gay, but how wrong I was.

Oh and I saw "The Practice" this week and I'm hooked.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

"A Different Visual Experience"

"A Different Visual Experience"

Met up with April and Claudia after uni so we could go and see Missy Higgins for free at the uni bar.

Claudia got Allison a card for her birthday but I refused to sign it. I did decorate it though, because as usual I couldn’t keep away from drawing on everything.

When we got there, the bar was so full that we were only allowed into the courtyard to watch the singer from a screen. April kept commenting how wonderful it was to see the singer’s face framed by poles and hedges and how we wouldn’t have had that visual experience if we just watched her on TV. People around us thought April was serious and kept looking at us strangely.

When Allison came down to the courtyard and saw me, she acted surprised that I didn’t get her email and then started apologising. Hmm, why would you apologise if you didn’t feel you did anything wrong? She kept saying how we should meet up and do something. She sounded pretty genuine, but I don’t know. I was surprised that only about 8 people turned up for her 21st. I expected a lot more. Everyone went to another bar, except April and me. We hung around at uni until Missy Higgins came on (because it turned out to our surprise that the first singer wasn’t actually her with a new haircut). We didn’t really listen but talked about April’s uni adventures with new guys that she’s becoming friends with. That was more entertaining.

I really wanted to get to the actual bar ‘cause I knew Nadine was there with her friends and I really wanted to hang out with her but we weren’t allowed to.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

The Third Time

The Third Time

Max called yesterday. We spoke for about an hour on the mobile before my battery went flat. That would’ve been one expensive phone call. When he said he’d be calling (‘cause I told him to warn me) I got all ready and made sure that I would be the first to pick up the normal phone so I wouldn’t have to explain who he was to my Dad (my Mum wasn’t home) but then he goes and calls me on the mobile. Right now, it’s too easy to keep him a secret from my parents (or anyone really).

Really want to tell April about him but I can’t right now. I only will after I meet him (a number of times) so it’s worth it.

Every conversation that I have with him on the phone just gets better and better. The first time was kind of awkward. The second time was 2 hours of small talk. And yesterday he actually acknowledged that we knew each other for 4 years now (which is a long time). And although we generally talked about general topics, he did tell me what happened to the girl that he really liked in America that he used to go on about when we used to chat. So the conversation was much more relaxed than last time. And it was good that we actually talked like friends, rather than acquaintances. He’s just like having a girl friend (only a bit different but in a good way). I love it :)

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Children's Innocence

Children's Innocence

I was walking home today in a very good mood. Nothing changed but somehow my perspective has.

Anyway, I saw these 2 little kids picking flowers. The older girl was instructing her brother which ones to pick. As I was walking past them, the little boy asked me if I wanted to smell the flowers. Of course, I said yes. They didn't smell at all but I said that they did. You should've seen the boy's face. He was watching me so intently when I was smelling them and when I smiled and said that they smelled wonderful, his face just dissolved into a humongous grin. It was SO adorable. The girl told me that they were picking flowers for their Mum because the old ones died.

I can just imagine the owners of those flowers going to water them and realising that they've all be ripped out. Hehe.

The Game

The Game

It feels like I'm playing a very strategic game with the Max thing. I'm plotting my every move. I look at all my choices and imagine all possible consequences. And then choose the move that would yield the best outcome.

It seems like he's playing carelessly.

It's my turn now. Instead of replying to my email, he messaged me. I don't really want to message back 'cause I prefer to communicate through email, rather than SMS. More can be said that way. But he seems to want me to message him back. So now I'm not sure if I should tell him that I prefer email or if I should message him back. And if I do, what can I say that would make things go the way I want them to?

I know I know, I have too much spare time to overanalyse the tiniest of details. Actually there are a lot of other things I should be thinking about but I'm a professional procrastinator.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Treasured High School Moments

Treasured High School Moments

I can't believe I'm writing this but I miss high school.

I miss the lazy sunny spring day lunchtimes, sitting in our grassy school courtyard and talking and laughing and being silly. Looking forward to holidays and imagining what our future has in store for us.

And those end of term classes where the teacher doesn't care what we do and conspiring with April about our future movie careers and writing tacky film scripts and hypothesising our Academy Awards winning moment. And finding ridiculous things hilarious and trying to explain what we are laughing about to others.

Exchanging notes with Amelia while sitting right next to each other. Gossiping with Kelly about guys I don't know. Having meaningful conversations on the train with Allison, Jacqui, Kelly and some others.

Getting chatted up by immature guys from other schools and surfies and rolling our eyes at them to each other.

So many little moments that I've forgotten about that used to make me really happy.

I guess after I finish uni, I will also have lots of little memories that would make me miss it and fondly remember it.

TV and More TV

TV and More TV

Yay! Newlyweds is back on again! That show is so fun. And the girl that they had stay with Nick and Jessica is so pretty. She could be an actress.

I'm not putting any pictures of the shows that I'm watching now though 'cause last time I did that, I still get 50 hits a day from people looking for their picture (which is NOT here anymore! Why can't Google update their search engine?!)

Oh, and did I say I watched Joe Schmoe? It can get a bit sleazy but I like the concept. And it can be quite funny.

And Amelie was on last night!!! I love that movie. It's different, witty and sweet.

So finally there's been something to watch on TV. If only they could bring back "Gilmore Girls".

And I saw a bit of Home and Away last week and Noah was dead! What happened? How did he die? It's so weird to watch an episode of a long running soap once every few months and nothing changes much but then all of a sudden old characters die and there are lots of new ones that come out of nowhere. Hmm. I remember I used to watch Home and Away every day when I was 11/12. I think that's the age when most people watched it religiously. Oh and then there's Neighbours. I think after I stopped watching Home and Away, I started watching Neighbours. But then I got sick of it and stopped.

I can't believe some soaps run for so long.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Must Get Distracted

Must Get Distracted

When I started this blog, I told myself that I wouldn't write anything too personal or sentimental, because other people read this. But it's so easy to forget about everyone else because I don't have these people here when I write so it's tempting to get carried away and write everything that's on my mind. Which I have done quite a bit in the past.

By writing the last paragraph, I'm trying to restrain myself from writing something that in my fresher mind (i.e. not the one that I have at almost midnight) I wouldn't want other people to read. Even though it's all I want to talk about.

I'll try to distract myself and write about something else, like a hobby that has resurfaced again. Even since I saw what a paperdoll was, I started drawing and designing clothes for them. So since the age of about 7, I have now hundreds (if not more) clothes designs. And since the dream that I had a week ago about a very original design that I made up (and thankfully remembered when I woke up), fashion design ideas have been constanly springing up in my head.

If only I could actually sew them. My Mum was saying I should take a sewing class so I can learn to make patterns for the clothes that I designed. I'd like to but right now I don't have the money for anything (since it's all going for my trip to America).

I've been meaning to convert my designs into a digital form and make a digital paper doll, but never really got around to it. It's just so much easier drawing on paper.

Ok, that was about a minute of distraction from thinking about Max. I'm trying not to get my hopes up this time about anything but it's a bit hard. Knowing that he doesn't wish me to go away and leave him alone is a nice relief because I didn't expect that. I always expect the worst, which is usually good because things are not always as bad as I think they are.

When I was waiting for my uni entrance results, my Dad said, "Expect the worst, hope for the best". And that really stuck with me.

Mythological Creature

Mythological Creature

I'm a:


Faeries are sweet loving beings who love to help
people. They are not held back by reality and
love to dream and fly around. You probably are
very creative and although not the most popular
person in the world you are probably loved by
many for your sweet caring personality.

What Mythological Creature Are You (Many Results and Beautiful Pics) brought to you by Quizilla

Dad's Present

Dad's Present

Just finished my Dad's present for tomorrow's Father's Day. It took 2 1/2 hours to bake this cake that he said he really wanted (he even got me the recipe!). I pretended I wasn't going to do it, of course, but as soon as he and Mum left, I got started. And I'm never doing it again. It took forever. And it wasn't one of those that you can put in the oven for an hour and do something else. This one needed constant attention. He better like it! (But if not, I'll eat it 'cos it looks quite yummy, even though it didn't rise properly but my cakes never seem to.)

I remember last year I was really mad at my Dad (constantly) so didn't get him anything for Father's Day, but then my Mum got angry at me so I don't remember if I did end up giving him something or not.

This year is totally different. My Dad has been really great about everything and it was definitely worth the effort to make that cake.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Craving vs Addiction

Craving vs Addiction

The difference between a craving and an addiction:

Craving: Once you have what you crave, you will be satisfied.
Addiction: Once you have what you're addicted to, you will want more.

So a craving can be satisfied and an addiction can't.

The Secret Exposed

The Secret Exposed

I have a bit of a confession to make. I was going to do it last week but I forgot about it. Must've repressed it from my memory.

I accidentally saw a bit of the Olympic games and I LIKED it. The shame. How will I ever be able to face my Anti-Olympic self again?

My Chronic Disease: Procrastination

My Chronic Disease: Procrastination

I had a choice today between going to uni and wasting time and staying home and getting work done. I chose the latter. After about an hour of trying to figure out what to do and doing about a 100th of what is needed, I got bored (at my extremely slow pace) and decided to waste time instead.

I so hate doing work that takes tons of mechanical processes to be done that take forever. Reminds me of factory work or something. I have to trace a photo of a detailed supermarket. Every shelf, ever box and carton to make it look realistic. There has to be a faster way! And after that I have to add other stuff to the image that I have to make up myself. Just looking at the work makes me want to close the program and hope it will get done by itself. Well, I can wish.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

A Little Difference

A Little Difference

Well well well.

Hmm. Max emailed back. I didn't really expect him to (especially so soon). Said he was wondering what I was up to this week and was thinking of emailing but decided not to because it would be 'hypocritical'. I don't really get how. What did he mean?

Anyway, sounds like he wants to talk again. The silly guy gave me his mobile number again as if I didn't have it anymore!

So things should get more interesting now. My life needs something different.

Just yesterday after I wrote the previous entry, I decided that I was going to make my own life fun and not wait for someone else to do it. And today had such a great time hanging out with my uni friends (who I largely underestimated). I think they totally deserve to be put on the same level as my high school friends. They are interesting, fun to be around with and like me the way I am. Hopefully I'll stay in touch with them after uni.

Also noticed that I've been getting along with all sorts of people lately, some who I never talked with before. Either I'm changing or everyone else is.

It's fun days like today that I wish to have more of. They are what make life more meaningful and not feel like a waste.

Oh, and did I say Max thought about me this week? Hehe.

(I really should stop craving guy attention so much. It's unhealthy.)

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Spring Reflections

Spring Reflections

It's the first day of spring today. Oh my God. Time seems to be flying faster than ever before. I've wasted all of this year. Didn't do anything worth remembering. Hopefully my trip at the end of the year will make up for it. Less than 3 months to go.

Uni is almost over too. Don't feel like I had that great experience that I expected my time there to be. But can't change it so will not dwell on it. (I have more important things to dwell about.)

When I try to remember what happened this year, all I can think of is my dancing dilemma. I cannot believe nothing more substantial happened. At least last year, there was the Max thing that definitely spiced up things a bit but this year... nothing.