Thursday, September 16, 2004

Without My Brother

Without My Brother

I saw "Marty's and Jess's Outback Wedding" and although I didn't think it was as good as Trista's Wedding, one bit brought tears to my eyes. When I heard that her brother died in the Bali bombings, I just felt so extremely sick because I couldn't stop putting myself in her shoes and imaginig what it would be like without Andy. Even after it finished when I'd think of it, I'd get all teary.

I guess what made me so sad was the fact that Andy and I haven't spoken to each other properly for a month now because he's really mad at me for losing my temper really bad and going a bit insane. Even though he provoked it, but it's no excuse. I tried to talk to him but he got mad that I was pretending like nothing happened.

I decided to be mature about this because life is too short for fights like these and wrote him an apology (since he wouldn't talk to me).

I hate not talking to him so much because he's my favourite person in the whole world (even at his worst) and the thought of him not being close with me makes me so upset that I don't want to waste a single moment being like we are now.

I realised a while ago that I love my parents because they are my parents but I love Andy not because he's my brother but because he's the best person I know.

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